Maintenance & Organization


How To Pack For a Move

How To Pack For a Move Moving to a new home is an exciting adventure, a chance to get away from the rat race and start a new life. But it’s also one of the most stressful experiences you can have. Packing up all your belongings and then finding and unpacking them once again in your new digs is exhausting,

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Maintaining your New Home

Maintaining your New Home Just because your house is new, doesn’t mean it’s free from maintenance. Truthfully, the first year will require a lot of things that might not be required as often in the future. Dirt settling around your foundation is a perfect example. It’s likely you will experience this from the backfill that was done. While this should

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Keep Pests Out of the house

Keep Pests Out of the house   It’s never fun to find critters in your home. Not only are they a nuisance, but they can also pose a health hazard. Luckily, you can do a few things to help prevent critters from getting into your home in the first place. Sealing up entry points One of the best ways to

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